
Strategies That Will Reduce Bounce Rate on a Website

Imagine that you are exploring some websites to find more information on how to run a website? You enter a keyword and hit the enter button. As you click on the first available website link, you are stuck with a large pop up that is hard to close even after zooming in the screen many times.

After a long frustrating experience, you end up returning to the results page. This is known as bouncing back from the websites. But when you are the one designing a website for your business, engaging an audience is crucial to prevent them from leaving.

For this reason, here are 4 strategies of designing a website so that users actually spend their time. Even when you hire a professional for website design in Melbourne, these tips will guide you through what works the best.

1.  User Experience is the Key Focus

A bad user experience can look like a user navigating a website without heading in a specific direction. For example, if a homepage has no clear menus, has excessive pop ups, no alignment, or cluttered spaces, then it is a clear case of designing a website without keeping in mind your target audience.

This will eventually make visitors leave the page, costing your website increasing bounce rates. You must focus on designing a website that gives a clear direction to the information one might expect to receive. Here are a few tips to make your website user-friendly, even if you choose a professional for website design in Melbourne.

  • Use clean breadcrumbs menu style, choose readable fonts, and prioritise the order of the menu labels.
  • Place a visible and large search bar at the top of the website.
  • Use slider pop-ups to avoid overburdening the website which takes longer to load.
  • Place clear call-to-action buttons in obvious locations so that visitors will know what to do next and how to proceed.

2.  Content Quality Makes all the Difference

A great user experience makes no sense when the content on a website is hard to digest. When your content is irrelevant, unpromising, and fails to persuade visitors to take action, it can make the website boring and meaningless.

To fix these issues, here are some tips that will help you to create a website design in Melbourne that stands at the top.

  • Hire a professional writer who has experience in writing quality website content and blogs.
  • Make sure that the content is written in such a way that answers all the questions, is clear to understand, and interesting at the same time.
  • Ensure that the content is free from grammatical, structural, and spacing errors.
  • Use whitespace and keep the paragraphs no more than 3 sentences wide to make visitors read more.
  • Use internal linking to keep the content clutter-free.

3.  Optimise Every Page

Optimising a website is no longer just a necessity for ranking your website but a crucial factor for engaging the visitors on your website. Here are a few tips that help make a website design in Melbourne useful.

  • Update meta tags in less than 60 characters.
  • Keep the meta descriptions in no more than 160 characters. Take time to understand the essence of your website. Write clear and precise descriptions without adding too much detail.
  • Use primary keywords only while making sure that the information you are providing is relevant to your website services.

4.  Speed is the Driving Force for all the Above Factors

You read that right. Speed of a website ultimately makes a visitor decide if the website is worth their time. The longer a person has to wait for a website to open, the lesser the chances of engagement.

A good running website design in Melbourne is a demand for users who are navigating many other similar websites at the same time and will not hesitate leaving the website within the seconds of staying on them.

To fix slow-running website issues, here are some tips.

  • Compress image sizes and limit the use of large files.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDL) to spread static images on a server.
  • Fix broken links on a website without using more than two redirects.
  • Avoid using too many Wordpress themes or plugins.
  • Choose a good web hosting provider.
  • Limit long-form content.

Above all the four important factors, optimising a website for mobile users and testing the website every few days determines if your website design in Melbourne is good enough to attract a target audience.

Final Words

We hope you found this blog useful. A good strategy of designing a website in Melbourne is an investment into credible business. If people will trust your website with the above four strategies, maintaining the faith is your responsibility too.

It is best to involve services of a professional website design in Melbourne while taking measures to keep your website in safe and right hands.

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